How Security Shutters Add to Home Security

How Security Shutters Add to Home Security

Research on Criminal Activity & Home Security in South Africa

A senior lecturer in Forensic and Crime investigation at the University of South Africa, by the name of Professor Zinn, presented his research after interviewing 30 convicted and incarcerated criminals, a series of 116 questions was asked in order to assist the authorities and homeowners in the prevention of crime. His study reveals precisely just how security shutters are considered a valuable asset when adding them to your home. Here are some of his findings:

House break-ins are a favourite amongst criminals, as there’s more money, it’s faster, and the possibility of getting caught is highly unlikely. People become victims of such crimes because of their apparent wealth status. Race does not make one a target. Targets with many entries and exit points are preferred as well as easy access to main roads. 75% of perpetrators have stated that they chosen homes based on suitable information or at the least the suspicion of a high-value steal, rather than on a home having minimal security measures. All of them said they would spend some time checking surveillance before they approached and then identify the number, as well as the location of all the residents to assist with a surprise attack. The most convenient time to strike was during 7 pm and 12 pm when people were at home so alarms systems are disabled and its noisy enough to block out the sounds of the break-in and keep the attack under the radar.

Secure Your Home – It can affect anyone

What does this mean for homeowners? Seen as though housebreakings are the favourite choice of criminal activity it makes sense to financially invest in safeguarding your precious home. If something is stolen, you are a potential target. The colour of your skin does not matter. You are more likely to be targeted if you have numerous entry and exit points and are situated close to main roads so that they can have a quick get-away. Your security level is not much of a deterrent if you have anything of value. If your home is locked up early enough for perpetrators to not to be able to do surveillance before the break in your home is less likely to be invaded. The preferred time to break in means you need to be protected in those hours while you are awake.

Why Security Shutters?

Considering this information, security shutters provide the exact defence method needed in South African homes today. Your home is completely blocked out from prying eyes, making surveillance and the element of surprise impossible for perpetrators. Most vulnerable time is covered with an extra level of defence that is Security Shutters. Once the sunsets and you close your shutters not to allow people to see into your home, you have added an extra level of defence and the upper hand. Security shutters are made with adjustable double cored aluminium louvres that are reinforced by steel pins on both sides of each louvre. This makes these shutters as secure and durable as typical security bars. To break through security shutters while you are awake would also be incredibly noisy and would therefore not go easily unnoticed with standard household noise levels. Would you like to secure your home properly? Install security shutters today.

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